Service; Accountants Act, 2010 Accounting services. All countries Institute of Solomon Islands Accountants 20/04/2010
SPS; Other; Service; Agriculture and Livestock Act, 1935 Goods: All types of plants; noxious weeds are listed in Chapter 35, Section 3 of the Act; livestock, domestic animals and fowls. Services: Agricultural services. Domestic animals means cattle, horses, mules, asses, pigs, sheep, goats, dogs and cats and the young of such animals by whatever name more specifically described. Domestic fowls means turkeys, geese, ducks, common fowls, game fowls, guinea fowls, peafowls and pigeons and the young of such birds by whatever name more specifically described. All countries Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock 14/08/1935
SPS; Service; Other; TBT; Bee Industry Act, 1994 04.09,04.10,0106.41 Goods: Bees and bee products. Services: Apiaries. All countries Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock 15/12/1995
SPS; Other; Service; Biosecurity Act, 2013 Goods: Regulated articles; animal and animal products; plants or plant materials and products, including timber; genetic materials. Services: Biosecurity services. Regulated articles include animals or animal products; plants or plant products; living organisms, whether modified or not; soil, sand gravel and aggregate; any genetic material; human remains; regulated pest or disease; any clothing, machinery or other article that contains or has adhering to it anything mentioned in paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d); garbage; and any other article, substance, goods or thing declared by the Minister by order under subsection (2) to be a regulated article for the purposes of this Act. All countries Director of Biosecurity 09/04/2013
SPS; Import Licence; Biosecurity Regulations, 2015 02,6802.21,68.03,9403.60,9403.50,9403.40,9403.30,97.03,0306.33,05.10,05.08,05.07,05.06,05.04,05.02,05.01,0511.10,0511.99,12.14,12.13,12.11,06.02,06.01,44.03,44.04,44.20,46.02,05.05,12.12 Products from (a) to (k) except prohibited plant and animal in Orders and except processed products Used Vehicle and regulated articles below (a) any animal or animal product; (b) any plant or plant product; (c) any living organism, whether modified or not; (d) soil, sand gravel and aggregate; (e) any genetic material; (f) human remains; (g) any host material; (h) a regulated pest or disease; (i) any clothing, machinery or other article that contains or has adhering to it anything mentioned in paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d); (j) garbage; (k) any other article, substance, goods or thing declared by the Minister by order under subsection (2) to be a regulated article for the purposes of this Act; All countries Director of Biosecurity 01/06/2015
Service; Broadcasting Act, 1977 Broadcasting services. All countries Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation 01/01/1977
Service; Other; Business Names Act, 2014 All types of businesses (Any goods and any services) All countries Registrar of Companies 20/08/2014
Service; Other; Business Names Regulations, 2016 All types of businesses (Any goods and any services) All countries Ministry of Commerce, Immigration, Labour and Industries 22/11/2016
Service; Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1926 Carriage of goods by sea in ships. All countries Ministry of Infrastructure and Development 31/03/1926
Service; Cinematograph Act, 1954 Cinematograph theatres and exhibitions. All countries Board of Censors 11/09/1954
Service; Other; TBT; Civil Aviation Act, 2008 Goods: Aircrafts; aeronautical products and equipment. Services: Civil aviation system service providers (domestic and foreign), which includes the following - aircraft pilots; flight crew members; air traffic service personnel; aviation security services and their personnel; aircraft maintenance personnel; air services; air traffic services; aerodromes and aerodrome operators; navigation installation providers; aviation training organisations; aircraft design, manufacture, and maintenance organisations; aeronautical procedures; aviation meteorological and communications services; and aviation examiners or medical examiners. All countries Civil Aviation Authority 28/11/2008
Service; Quota / Prohibition; TBT; Commodities Exporting Marketing Authority Act, 1985 Goods: All commodities specified in Schedule 1 for the purpose of export, and includes a part, by-product, or waste product of such product. Services: Producing, processing, buying, selling, storing, marketing, transporting or shipping of any commodity for the purpose of export. All countries Commodities Exporting Marketing Authority 01/07/1985
Service; Other; Companies (Amendment) Regulations, 2016 Any goods and any services : All types of companies (private, public and community). All countries Registrar of Companies 22/11/2016
Service; Other; Companies Act Regulations, 2010 All types of companies (private, public and community). All countries Registrar of Companies 01/07/2010
Service; Other; Companies Act, 2009 Any goods and any services : All types of companies (private, public and community). All countries Registrar of Companies 18/03/2009
TBT; Service; Other; Consumer Protection Act, 1995 Goods: All types of goods. Services: Supply of gas, electricity, water and telecommunications. All countries Consumer Affairs Division 16/10/1995
Other; Copyright Act, 1988 Copyright works include adaptations, artistic works, cinematograph films, dramatic works, drawings, engravings, literary works, manuscripts, photographs, publications, records, sculptures, sound recordings, writings, etc. All countries Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs 01/06/1988
Other; Customs (Amendment) Rules, 2009 All types of goods brought by international passengers arriving by air All countries Ministry of Finance and Treasury 27/02/2009
Service; TBT; Other; Customs and Excise (Beer) Rules, 1992 22.06,22.03 Goods: Beer, beer containing vessels. Services: Producing and processing beer. Vessel means a container such as hogshead, barrel, half hogshead, kilderkin, firkin, bottle or can each with a liquid capacity approved by the Comptroller or any other container, the use of which is permitted by the Comptroller. All countries Ministry of Finance and Treasury 29/07/1992
Other; Customs and Excise (Excise Duties) Amendment Order, 2009 Tariff item E.2 Tariff item E.3 for manufactured premix alcohol All countries Ministry of Finance and Treasury 05/06/2009
Other; Customs and Excise (Excise Duties) Amendment Order, 2012 Tariff item E.1(a)(b)(c) All countries Ministry of Finance and Treasury 20/03/2012
Other; Customs and Excise (Import Duties) Amendment Order, 2009 87.03,87.11 Specific goods listed in the First Schedule of the Customs and Excise Act, 1960. All countries Ministry of Finance and Treasury 05/06/2009
Other; Customs and Excise (Import Duty) Amendment Order, 2012 2401.10,24.03,2402.20,2402.10 Specific goods listed in the First Schedule of the Customs and Excise Act, 1960. All countries Ministry of Finance and Treasury 20/03/2012
TBT; Other; Quota / Prohibition; Customs and Excise Act, 1960 A- Products written in the ‘list of restricted items’ in the 2nd schedule Goods: All types of goods, wares, merchandise and livestock; refer to First Schedule. Services: Warehousing, air and shipping services. All countries Ministry of Finance and Treasury 01/04/1960
Other; Customs Rules, 1960 A- Any goods All countries Ministry of Finance and Treasury
Other; Customs Valuation Act, 2009 All types of imported goods. All countries Ministry of Finance and Treasury 20/08/2009
TBT; Other; Quota / Prohibition; Dangerous Drugs Act, 1941 Raw opium, coca leaf and Indian hemp, its resins, seeds or any other part of the plants; prepared opium, or any pipes or other utensils for use in connection with the smoking of opium; phenanthrene alkaloids of opium; ecgonine alkaloids of the coca leaf; cocaine; and morphine. All countries Ministry of Health and Medical Services 14/04/1941
Service; Education Act, 1978 Education and teaching services. School means any institution or place at which any secular instruction (whether with or without religious instruction) is regularly given to ten or more pupils outside their own homes, but does not include— (a) any institution or place operated by a Church or other religious body which in the opinion of the Minister provides instruction wholly or mainly of a religious character; (b) any institution operated by or under the control of the Solomon Islands Government to provide specialised training for periods not exceeding three months in a particular trade or profession, whether on an in-service or pre-service basis. All countries Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development 29/09/1978
Other; Service; Environment Act, 1998 Goods: All types of vehicles and shipping vessels. Services: Development activities are specified in the Second Schedule of this Act. All countries Director for Environment and Conservation 20/10/1998
Service; SPS; Environmental Health Act, 1980 Goods: All types of food which includes drinks, chewing gum and other products of a like nature and use; substances used as ingredients in the preparation of food or drinks, but does not include water, live animals or birds; fodder or feeding stuffs for animals, birds or fish; or articles or substances used only as drugs. Services: Environmental health services. All countries Environmental Health Division-Ministry of Health and Medical Services 01/08/1980
TBT; Other; Exchange Control Act, 1977 All types of goods; foreign currency, securities, including foreign securities. Foreign securities means securities or other property included in a class of securities or property prescribed as foreign securities. All countries Central Bank of Solomon Islands 01/03/1977
TBT; Other; Excise (Manufactured Tobacco) Rules, 1967 24.03 Tobacco. All countries Ministry of Finance and Treasury 27/07/1967
TBT; Import Licence; Other; Explosives Act, 1968 Explosives include gunpowder, nitro-glycerine, dynamite, gun cotton, blasting powders, fulminate of mercury or of other metals, coloured fires and every other substance, whether similar to those mentioned above or not, used or manufactured with a view to producing a practical effect by explosion or a pyrotechnic effect, but shall exclude— (i) commercially manufactured fireworks except where and to the extent otherwise declared under paragraph (b) of this definition; (ii) ammunition as defined in the Firearms and Ammunition Act; and (iii) rockets and flares conforming to the requirements of the Shipping Regulations and carried in compliance therewith, or intended to be disposed for use in compliance with those Regulations. Explosives include gunpowder, nitro-glycerine, dynamite, gun cotton, blasting powders, fulminate of mercury or of other metals, coloured fires and every other substance, whether similar to those mentioned above or not, used or manufactured with a view to producing a practical effect by explosion or a pyrotechnic effect, but shall exclude— (i) commercially manufactured fireworks except where and to the extent otherwise declared under paragraph (b) of this definition; (ii) ammunition as defined in the Firearms and Ammunition Act, 1968; and (iii) rockets and flares conforming to the requirements of the Shipping Regulations and carried in compliance therewith, or intended to be disposed for use in compliance with those Regulations. All countries Ministry of Police, National Security and Correctional Service 01/01/1968
Service; Financial Institutions Act, 1998 Banking services by banks, credit institutions and financial institutions, including foreign financial institutions. All countries Ministry of Finance and Treasury 25/06/1998
TBT; Other; Import Licence; Quota / Prohibition; Service; Firearms and Ammunition Act, 1968 Ammunition and firearms, which includes bullets, cartridges, shells or anything designed or adapted for or capable of use with any firearm, including containing any noxious liquid or gas but does not include spears discharged from a firearm solely for the purpose of killing fish nor ammunition abandoned in Solomon Islands by any armed forces during the Second World War or thereafter in consequence of that war. Goods: Ammunition and firearms, which includes bullets, cartridges, shells or anything designed or adapted for or capable of use with any firearm, including containing any noxious liquid or gas but does not include spears discharged from a firearm solely for the purpose of killing fish nor ammunition abandoned in Solomon Islands by any armed forces during the Second World War or thereafter. Services: Assembling, cleaning, repairing, testing, manufacturing any component parts, selling, transferring any firearms or ammunitions. All countries Commissioner of Police 01/07/1968
International agreement; Fisheries Access Agreement (Act section 41) 03.02
Quota / Prohibition; Fisheries Management (Prohibited Activities) (Amendment) Regulations, 2018 Any trochus of the species Trochus niloticus; any squaretail coral grouper (Plectropomus areolatus), leopard coral grouper (Plectropomus leopardus), camouflage grouper (Epinephelus polyphekadion) and brown marbled grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus); any mud crab of the species Scylla serrata. All countries Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources 03/12/2018
Quota / Prohibition; Service; TBT; Other; Fisheries Management (Prohibited Activities) Regulations, 2018 5608.90,5608.11,2517.49,05.08,0307.39,0106.12 Goods: Fish and gear specified in the Schedule. Services: Fishing, shark-finning. All countries Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources 27/08/2018
Service; Quota / Prohibition; Other; Import Licence; Fisheries Management Act, 2015 Fish, live fish or fish products. Goods: Fish, live fish and fish products; driftnet; fish aggregating device. Services: Fishing; transhipment; bunkering at sea; and supplying of spare parts to fishing vessels; artisanal fishing and aquaculture; aquaculture; fish processing or storage facilities; research into fisheries, fishery resource or related activities; commercial sport fishing. All countries Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources 23/04/2015
SPS; Quota / Prohibition; Service; TBT; Other; Fisheries Management Regulations, 2017 Goods: Fish and fish products including dolphins and sharks; trace wire or J hook fishing equipment; fishing vessels, buoys, floats and fishing gear; underwater breathing equipment. Services: Fishing; fish processing, storage and export facilities. All countries Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources 11/01/2017
Service; Foreign Investment Act, 2005 Investment activities, including reserved activities specified in the reserved list established under section 9. All countries Registrar of Foreign Investment 14/11/2005
Other; Service; TBT; Forest Resources and Timber Utilisation Act, 1970 Goods: Timber includes trees, other than 'protected trees' specified in Schedule 1; forest produce. Services: Sawmills. Forest produce means trees, timber, poles, branches, charcoal, wood ashes, palms, bamboos, canes, climbers, creepers, grass, moss, fungus, lichens, plants or parts thereof, leaves, flowers, fruit seeds, roots, fibres, bark, bark extracts, wood extracts, gums, oils, resins, pitch, sap, latex, rubber, tar, wax, honey, products of animals, litter, humus, earth, sand and stone found in or brought from a state forest or forest reserve and such other things as the Minister may by notice declare to be forest produce. All countries Commissioner of Forest Resources 01/10/1970
Service; Gaming and Lotteries Act, 1961 Commercial gaming and lotteries. All countries Gaming and Lotteries Board 24/06/1961
International agreement; GATT/WTO A- Goods and services All countries 28/12/1994
TBT; Other; Goods Tax Act, 1993 All types of goods except goods which have gone into use or consumption in Solomon Islands and second-hand goods. Goods and persons to be exempted from the provisions of this Act are listed in Schedule 1. All countries Commissioner of Inland Revenue 01/03/1993
Service; Health Workers Act, 1990 Health workers. All countries Health Workers Board 23/02/1990
Service; Honiara City Council (Regulation of Business Licenses) Ordinance, 2011 All types of businesses, including hawking. All countries Honiara City Council 18/01/2012
Service; Other; Levy of Rates and Dues (Ports of Honiara and Noro) Rules A- Goods: Any goods Services: All types of port services. All countries Solomon Islands Ports Authority 03/01/1995
TBT; Service; Liquor Act, 1970 Goods: All types of liquor. Services: Bars, clubs, nightclubs, restaurants, publicans, pharmacies. All countries Liquor Licensing Board 01/01/1970
TBT; Other; Service; Livestock Development Authority Act, 1977 Goods: Cattle; livestock and livestock products; poultry. Services: Manufacturing, handling, distributing livestock products All countries Livestock Development Authority 01/04/1977
Service; Medical and Dental Practitioners Act, 1990 Dental officers, dental practitioners; medical officers, medical practitioner; and specialists. All countries Medical and Dental Board 01/07/1990
Service; Meteorology Act, 1986 Meteorological services. All countries Director of the Meteorological Service 06/01/1986
TBT; Service; Mines and Minerals Act, 1996 Goods: All types of minerals. Services: Mining and mining operations, which includes milling, processing, concentrating, smelting or refining; gold dealers. All countries Minerals Board 01/03/1996
Quota / Prohibition; Other; National Archives Act, 1996 Goods: All official records, which includes all papers, documents, records, registers, printed material, maps, plans, drawings, photographs, microfilm, cinematograph films and sound recordings of any kind whatever, officially received or produced by any public organisation in the course of its official duties. All countries National Archives Advisory Committee 02/03/1996
Service; Other; Petroleum (Exploration) Act, 1996 Goods: Crude oil, natural gas and petroleum. Services: Petroleum prospecting and development. All countries Petroleum Advisory Board 01/03/1996
TBT; Service; Other; Petroleum Act, 1939 Goods: Fuel oil, petroleum. Services: Storage of petroleum services. All countries Comptroller of Customs and Excise 18/05/1939
TBT; Service; Import Licence; Other; Pharmacy and Poisons Act, 1941 Poison includes the several substances mentioned in the poisons list in Schedule B. Goods: Medicines, drugs and poisons listed in Schedule B. Services: Pharmacists, medical practitioners, dentists. Solomon Islands,All countries Pharmacy and Poisons Board 28/07/1941
Service; Pharmacy Practitioners Act, 1997 Services: Pharmacists and pharmacy assistants. All countries Pharmacy Practitioners' Board 28/05/1997
Service; Police and Transport Legislation (Amendment) (Alcohol Testing) Act, 2016 Air, road, maritime transport services All countries Ministry of Police, National Security and Correctional Service 03/05/2016
Other; Service; Ports Act, 1956 A- Goods: Any goods Services: All types of port services. All countries Solomon Islands Ports Authority 04/06/1956
Other; Ports By-Laws A- Goods: Any goods All countries Solomon Islands Ports Authority 01/12/1973
Other; Price Control (Application to Goods and Restriction of Prices) Order, 1987 Goods listed in Schedule 1 and areas to which price restrictions on goods apply are listed in Schedule 2. All countries Prices Advisory Committee 01/07/1987
Other; Service; Price Control Act, 1982 A- Any goods and services All countries Prices Advisory Committee 26/03/1982
SPS; Quota / Prohibition; Other; Prohibition of Animals Order, 2016 0106.19 Dogo Argentino; Fila Brasileiro; Japanese Tosa Inu; Pit Bull Terrier or American Pit Bull Terrier; American Bulldog; Perro de Presa Canario or Presa Canario; Boerboel; Neopolitan Mastif; any cross with a non-domestic species such as wolf; cats derived from a cross with a non-domestic species; Bengal cat with no Asian Leopard Cat ancestor less than 5 generations away. All countries Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock 01/09/2016
SPS; Quota / Prohibition; Prohibition of Imports Order, 2016 12.11,0602.20,0602.10,06.01 All plants listed in the Order. All countries Director of Biosecurity 11/04/2016
Other; Service; Protected Industries Act, 1954 Goods: All types of goods produced by protected and licensed industries. Services: Protected industries listed under Section 3 of Chapter 177 'Orders Declaring Protected Industries'. All countries Ministry of Commerce, Immigration, Labour and Industries 29/11/1954
Other; Quota / Prohibition; TBT; Protection of Wrecks and War Relics Act, 1980 Wrecked vessels, aircrafts and war relics, which includes any object or artefacts brought into Solomon Islands by or for the use of any combatants in World War II. All countries Ministry of Culture and Tourism 09/05/1980
SPS; Other; Quota / Prohibition; TBT; Service; Pure Food Act, 1996 Goods: All types of food, which includes water, ice, beverages, alcoholic drinks, chewing gum, food additives, food preservatives and substances used as ingredients in the preparation of food or drink or of such products, but does not include live animals; fodder or feeding stuff for animals, birds or fish; or substances used only as drugs. Perishable and hazardous food includes or consists of milk, milk products, cooked shelled eggs, egg products, meat, fish, shellfish, poultry or cooked rice. Services: Any shop, factory, canteen, hotel, motel, boarding-house, cafe, kitchen, fast-food premises, bottle-shop, restaurant, eating house, vehicles or licensed premises that supplies food. All countries Pure Food Advisory Board 13/08/1996
Other; SPS; Service; TBT; Quarantine Act, 1931 Goods: All types of goods, which includes moveable property; all shipping vessels; any noxious insect, any pest or any disease germ or microbe, or any disease agent, or any culture, virus or substance containing any disease germ or microbe or disease agent. Services: Quarantine services. All countries Ministry of Health and Medical Services 01/04/1931
Import Licence; Other; TBT; Safety at Work (Pesticides) Regulations, 1983 Goods: Pesticides. Goods: Pesticides. All countries Commissioner of Labour
Service; Other; Safety at Work Act, 1982 Pesticides. Goods: Any article for use at work Services: All types of businesses and workplaces. All countries Commissioner of Labour 01/05/1982
Service; Other; Shipping Act, 1998 Goods: All shipping vessels (air-cushioned vessel, commercial vessel, cargo and fishing vessel, government and non-commercial vessel, new vessel); all wrecks of shipping vessels. Services: Shipping services. All countries Registrar of Vessels 13/10/1998
Service; Solomon Islands Maritime Authority Act, 2018 Shipping services, including franchise shipping services. All countries Solomon Islands Maritime Authority 07/09/2018
Service; Solomon Islands Tertiary Education and Skills Authority Act, 2017 Tertiary education and skills development. All countries Solomon Islands Tertiary Education and Skills Authority 01/03/2017
Service; Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau Act, 1996 Tourism services which includes any service, transport arrangement, tour promotion, guided tour, entertainment, shop or retail service, intended for or availed of primarily by tourists and given, operated, carried out or, conducted regularly or as a business and for the purpose of profit or reward. All countries Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau 30/07/1996
Service; Other; Solomon Islands Water Authority Act, 1993 Goods: Any machinery or equipment used solely by the Solomon Islands Water Authority. Services: Water service; sewerage service; loan service; development works service; or special industry service. Solomon Islands Solomon Islands Water Authority 17/05/1993
Service; Telecommunications Act, 2009 Television broadcasting and telecommunication services. Solomon Islands Telecommunications Commission 27/08/2009
Service; Television Act, 1995 Television broadcasting services. Solomon Islands Television Board 01/10/1995
Service; The Levy of Rates and Dues (Ports of Honiara and Noro) Rules, 2015 Anchorage, berthage, berth reservation, bunkering, disposal of cargo, freezer cargo hook up, harbour removal, handling of cargo, manifest document processing, out-port pilotage, overtime recovery, passenger services, pollution cleaning, surcharge pilotage, storage of cargo and containers, and other shipping services. All countries Solomon Islands Ports Authority 20/07/2015
Trade remedy; There is no trade remedy measure.
TBT; Other; Import Licence; Quota / Prohibition; Service; Tobacco Control Act, 2010 24.01,24.02,24.03 Tobacco products. Goods: Tobacco and tobacco products; Toxic constituent 'Toxic constituent' means any substance prescribed by regulations to be a toxic constituent, and includes any substance found in a tobacco product or in its smoke. Services: Manufacturing and advertising tobacco products 'Tobacco product advertisement' – (a) means any word, whether written, printed or spoken, including on film, video recording or other medium or broadcast, telecast, electronic transmission, computer disk or other data message or any pictorial representation, design or device used to encourage the use or to notify the availability or promote the sale of any tobacco product or to promote smoking behaviour; and (b) includes the use in any advertisement or promotion to the public of the company name of the manufacturer of the tobacco product where that name or any part of that name is used as or is included in a tobacco product trademark. All countries Ministry of Health and Medical Services 18/03/2010
Other; Traffic (Amendment) Act, 2009 Goods: All types of motor vehicles and trawlers; all parts and equipment thereof Services: Car dealers; road transport services All countries Ministry of Police, National Security and Correctional Service 29/06/2009
Other; Service; Traffic (Amendment) Regulations, 2009 Goods: All types of motor vehicles and trawlers as included under the Traffic Act, 1968. Services: road transport services and related services All countries Ministry of Police, National Security and Correctional Service 29/05/2009
Service; Other; Traffic Act, 1968 Goods: All types of motor vehicles and trawlers; all parts and equipment thereof Services: Car dealers; road transport services All countries Ministry of Police, National Security and Correctional Service 01/01/1968
Other; United Kingdom Designs (Protection) Act, 1934 Any goods which designs are registered in the United Kingdom. Solomon Islands,United Kingdom Solomon Islands Court of Appeal 16/07/1934
Service; Valuers Act, 2009 Valuation services of land. All countries Valuers Board 25/03/2009
Other; Weights and Measures Act, 1980 All types of goods except - (a) gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals and goods made in whole or in part thereof may be sold by troy weight; (b) precious stones and pearls may be sold by metric carat weight; (c) drugs, when sold by retail, may be sold by apothecaries' weight or apothecaries' measure. All countries Ministry of Commerce, Immigration, Labour and Industries 01/12/1980
Quota / Prohibition; SPS; Other; Service; Wildlife Protection And Management Act, 1998 Goods: All types of animals, animal productive material, animal specimens (live or dead); native Solomon Islands plants, plant specimens; other forms of wildlife. Services: Scientific research; breeding in captivity programmes. All countries Director for Environment and Conservation 01/05/1999
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